May 28, 2019  Shauna Appearances, Photos

Emma Watson Visits Margaret Hall at Oxford University for a talk on May 13th, 2019. We have added 4 new high-quality photos to our gallery. Please enjoy!

The Gallery Link

May 28, 2019  Shauna Appearances, Photos

Emma Watson attended the G7 France Summit 2019 in Paris, France on May 09th and 10th, 2019. We have added several new high-quality photos for the conference, conference dinner, the W7/G7 summit itself,  and the W7 Coalition of Society Organizations & Feminist Leaders Meeting to our gallery. Please enjoy!

The Gallery Links

February 24, 2019  Shauna Appearances, Photos

Emma Watson attended the Pre-Dinner and 1st meeting of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council in Paris, France on February 18th and 19th, 2019. We have added 40 new high-quality photos for the meeting and 4 for the pre-dinner to our gallery. Please enjoy!

Gallery Links

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